Diamondback Ideal Nymph 10' 10" 2wt

Diamondback Ideal Nymph 10' 10" 2wt
I often describe this rod as a Swiss Army Knife to those who haven't fished it before. By this, I don't mean that it does a little bit of everything just adequately; rather, it excels at every task. This rod's exceptional versatility allows it to perform impressively in various fishing scenarios, making it an invaluable tool to have in your arsenal. Accompanied by the same single-foot stripping guides, matte black finish, and light weight of 2.96 oz this is a clear winner for those wanting a nymph rod over 10ft.
The 10'10" 2wt Ideal Nymph rod is an exemplary workhorse that has exceeded my expectations. I have utilized this rod to fish a broad range of flies, from 2.0mm baetis in shallow water to hefty 5.0mm tungsten streamers, without encountering any performance issues. The added length of this model provides an abundance of reach, allowing me to fish from considerable distances with ease. Despite its extended length, this rod is lightweight and does not induce arm fatigue, permitting anglers to fish pockets and riffles from longer distances without spooking fish.
Read our blog about these rods below: